welcome to
church @ hyde park corner

a place for all students

Hyde Park is where most students in Leeds live, but may only call home for a time. We want to build a inclusive community where students ask questions about life and faith, learn with and from each other, and go through uni life together. You are welcome here.

new to church @ hpc?


what is church @ hpc?

We're a church for all students.

Located in the heart of student life in Leeds, we are a space for any and all students to find community and explore life and faith together.


our values

  • welcome students

    We believe the church is for everyone, no matter what. We’re committed to learning with all students in the context they’re in, and navigating uni life together.

  • love hyde park

    We know that Hyde Park is the place many call home, and we love it and everyone in it. We want to be part of and celebrate this richly diverse community in which we live, work and study.

  • explore faith

    We are a Christian community who think that every student should have the opportunity to know Jesus. church@hpc is a welcoming space to ask and chat through questions about life and faith.


From 10:30am

Eat @HPC
From 1pm



find us

church @ hyde park corner
St Augustine’s Wrangthorn
Hyde Park Terrace
Leeds, LS6 1BJ

