clothes swap

In Freshers Week we’re holding a Clothes Swap! We’re currently taking donations of clothing - see below for details on how to drop off clothes.

  • Church@HPC Community Meals - St Augustine’s Wrangthorn Hall, Sundays 1-3pm

  • Space - St Augustine’s Wrangthorn Hall, Wednesdays 9:30-3pm

  • St George’s Church - Student Teas or Student Night, weekly

  • Devonshire Hall - TBC

All clothes welcome! Thank you so much for your donation!

We may not use clothes that are poor quality during the event, but clothes that are not deemed usable will be recycled.

If you donate early, but still want to take part in the swap during Freshers Week, please fill in the form below to redeem your voucher for free pieces of clothing. You do not have to do so to donate!